Prosto mesto za mladega raziskovalca
24. sep. 2020
Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation by Xiaobin Li
21. sep. 2020
17. sep. 2020
Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation by Hugo Mercier
16. sep. 2020
Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation by Doris Potočnik
16. sep. 2020
Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation by Marta Jagodic
16. sep. 2020
Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation by Katarina Hočevar
15. sep. 2020
Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation by Jože Luzar
15. sep. 2020
Razpis IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme
09. sep. 2020
Docent MPŠ dobil ERC projekt za raziskovalce na začetku samostojne raziskovalne kariere
03. sep. 2020
Defence of the Master Thesis of Andrejaana Andova
04. sep. 2020
Defence of the Master Thesis of Gorjan Popovski
03. sep. 2020
Defence of the Master Thesis of Maša Zupančič
03. sep. 2020
Defence of the Master Thesis of Tanja Batkovič
03. sep. 2020
Defence of the Master Thesis of Dominik Božič
02. sep. 2020
Defence of the Master Thesis of Anja Mirjanić
02. sep. 2020
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
01. sep. 2020