Patricia Jovičević Klug
Patricia Jovičević Klug
The decision to go abroad via Erasmus+ traineeship was based on my personal interest to experience foreign environment with communication in one of the EU languages. Since my PhD work was related to the surface treatment of different metallic materials, I have decided to do my traineeship at Max-Planck Institute für Eisenforschung (for Iron Research)-MPIE in Düsseldorf, which is one of the leading institutes in the world for sustainability and processing of metallic materials.
At MPIE, I was part of the Department of Interface Chemistry and Surface Engineering, more precisely group of Corrosion, where I was part of the international team and working with experts for surface and corrosion analysis of metallic materials. I have learned to independently recognize and identify the surface features and correlate them to other properties of metallic materials with advanced surface techniques.
During my stay, I have also refreshed my knowledge of German and was a part of the group that supported me during my stay and took me in directly as a part of their team from the very beginning. I will never forget my positive experience with Erasmus+ and I strongly recommend it to anybody that wants to experience living abroad while still being part of the home institute.
Dr. Patricia Jovičević Klug, NANO3 graduate